"I am 5 for 5 with full-ride scholarships. You changed my entire life, Inna."
- Kenna L., Northwestern Law Scholarship Recipient
"Inna is a rock."
- Matt Cox, speechwriter, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
"Inna's imaginative approach helped turn our son's applications into works of art."
- Shiri, Brown '28 parent

Speechwriter. Essay Transformer. Founder, Impact Admissions
A speechwriter for former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Inna has worked with business leaders, lawmakers, members of royal families, and renowned scientists worldwide.
Her high school, college, and graduate students include U.S. Presidential Scholars, National YoungArts Foundation winners, plus Coca-Cola and Cameron Scholars.
She offers mentoring sessions as an expert on Intro, where anyone can book one-on-one calls with the most in-demand experts in the world.
Additional Accreditations & Programs
Inventive Admissions Advising
Invent and tailor your distinctive Passion Project. Identify your secret sauce and capitalize on it through each piece of your application.
Craft a compelling story of The Future-You as student, achiever, community member, and professional.
Applications to colleges, dual-degree programs, fellowships, residencies, and more, plus merit scholarships that build your standing with admissions teams.

Select University Admittances
"I am 5 for 5 in full rides to law school, with a huge scholarship to Northwestern! You helped me put my story into words. You changed my entire life, Inna."
- Kenna L, Law Student
"Truly a magician."
- His Excellency Mohammed S., Abu Dhabi Executive Council, NYU parent '28
"...spellbinding use of language and dense, ponderous imagery. Our editors found themselves rereading it once, twice, three times to take it all in."
- Luke Larkin, CutBank Literary Journal of the University of Montana
​"When Inna told me that she was writing fiction, I was really excited. We always need writers who can see the world in an unexpected way, with honesty and humor and an open heart. Get your heart ready."
- Jade Chang, author of The Wangs Vs. the World
"I just wanted to let you know we have a Cameron Impact Scholar!! We could not have done it without you."
- Parent of full-ride merit scholarship recipient
"...'a richness of fricatives and plosives, textured words that wow me with their density, weight, lightness, too.. symphony of sounds and smells and spells… Tantalizing."
- British Fantasy Society award-winning reviewer, Des Lewis

Get in Touch
People at all stages of their careers come to Inna to help them tell their stories with confidence and impact – onstage, or in print.
As Founder of Impact Admissions, Inna is privileged to work with exceptionally talented applicants from around the world.
Her high school, college, and graduate school students include U.S. Presidential Scholars, National YoungArts Foundation winners, and Coca-Cola and Cameron Scholars, among others.
Inna's writing has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and has been published or is forthcoming in numerous publications, including The Harvard Advocate; American University's FOLIO; USC's Air/Light Magazine; University of Montana's CutBank; Santa Monica Review; Tartarus Press (U.K); Swan River Press (Ireland); and more.
Her fiction has been anthologized, and her essays, poetry, and fiction examine images originating from her experiences as an immigrant.